Women's Focus Ministries

Women's Focus Ministries

We are a group of Christian women (and one man) who write daily devotionals and other articles of interest to women.
We publish daily. Praying that you will enjoy this ministry.

Thank you and God bless,
Corinne Mustafa.......and the Writing Staff of "WFM"

One of our writers is writing a novel, called AFTER THE EVENT, that is published Saturdays separately from the daily posts. There is a link on the left side that will take you to the blog of the novel which is being posted in installments.

Friday Writing...3/13/20..."Adoration or Expectation"

Good Morning,

From a dog walking with it's "mother" Lynda was inspired to write about Adoration and Expectation and then to relate it to the need for restarts throughout the day and  the other need for praising the Lord in a continuous way daily. Great insight! Lynda wrote, "I believe that my walk with Christ is meant to be a journey of active forward motion.....But my journey each day, must start and end with my praise and adoration of God.  Because He Is GOD."

Praising God in the morning and throughout the rest of the day...'til night.
Lynda Kinnard

Today's Devotional
"Adoration or Expectation"
Written by 
Linda Kinnard

The other morning, as I walked from the train station to my office, I saw a woman walking her dog.  They were on the other side of the street, a little ahead of me, so I could observe them easily.

The dog was walking at her side, looking up at the woman in total adoration.  I was so impressed with the doggie devotion, I started walking faster, intending to complement the woman in her great relationship with her furry friend.

As they crossed the street a bit ahead of me,  I started thinking of a cute comment I could make, about how her companion could hardly take three steps without looking up at her with total devotion.

And then, I saw the truth.  The woman had some sort of treats in her pocket, and was giving them to the sweet doggie as they walked.  I guess it was a training technique, to encourage the dog to match the walker's pace.  And while I understood the reasoning,  it was a bit disappointing.  What I'd seen as devotion was just the dog's expectation of another treat.

This got me thinking about the way many of us who claim Christianity are at times.   Do we live in adoration and devotion to the Lord for the reason that He is GOD, or because we expect to be treated as favored children who appear obedient since we want to be seen as "The Best Christians Ever"?

After  the feeding of the multitude,Jesus went off by Himself . The people started looking for Him,  and when they found Jesus they told Him that they had been looking for Him. 

'Jesus answered,
Very truly I tell you, 
you are looking for me,
 not because you saw the signs  
I performed but because you ate 
the loaves and had your fill.'
 John 6:26

Am I willing to be encouraging to others by being honest  about how often I must ask the Holy Spirit to correct and redirect me, every day?  Or will I let pride keep me pretending to fully understand all that God wants of them  as well as from me?

I believe that my walk with Christ is meant to be a journey of active forward motion,  not time on a treadmill, or a boat ride that circles in a safe harbor.  I will need to climb some mountains and use my faith to move others.  However, my journey each day must start and end with my praise and adoration of God.  Because He Is GOD.

"Whoever serves me must follow me; 
and where I am, my servant 
also will be."
John 12:26

Prayers, Praise and Adoration to God 
{There is no one like Him}
He is the One and only.


We should praise Him at all times...
on a bus, in a lunchroom
on a walk sitting on a porch bench
in the sun or rain!

The list is endless!


Prayers are lifted up daily for you by the Devotional Writers 
and the monthly Writing Staff  of Women's Focus Ministries.

Blog Writers:

Sandy Billingham, Carol Steficek,   
 Brother Thomas Ukwute, Jody Ward,  
Jan Andersen and  Corinne Mustafa. Cathy Friberg,

Occasional Contributors:
Kathy Bireley,  Lynda Kinnard, Terri Baker, 
Beverley Napier, Amie Spruiell, and Lisabeth Lipp.

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