Women's Focus Ministries

Women's Focus Ministries

We are a group of Christian women (and one man) who write daily devotionals and other articles of interest to women.
We publish daily. Praying that you will enjoy this ministry.

Thank you and God bless,
Corinne Mustafa.......and the Writing Staff of "WFM"

One of our writers is writing a novel, called AFTER THE EVENT, that is published Saturdays separately from the daily posts. There is a link on the left side that will take you to the blog of the novel which is being posted in installments.

Tuesday's Writing...4/6/20..."You Will Strengthen Their Heart" I am so thankful that our Heavenly Father's ears are attentive to our Heart's cry or should I say to our Nation's Heart's cry. He has not turned away from us but has turned towards His people in even greater intensity. Yes, these are fierce and horrendous times, but God has not left His throne in any sense of the way. As His people cry out with much humility and repentance, the Lord is ever present to help us during our times of trouble. As we lean into Him and draw closer to Him, He draws closer to us. He is there to comfort us and grant us His peace and assurance that He will take care of us. His Word very clearly tells us in Psalm 10:17, O Lord, You hear the desire of the afflicted; you will strengthen their heart; You will incline your ear. That specific scripture is innundated with an abundance of hope and encouragement to each of us at this time. He utmostly hears our cries for those that are in dire need, He shall strengthen our hearts, and He shall incline His ear to our voices. We are a Nation in which we are in great desperation to see His hand move. We are also fully aware that our God is a God that never goes back on His promises. As we press in bringing our prayers and supplications and requests before Him with thanksgiving, He shall grant us His peace and take immense care of us. He shall give us every bit of strength we need to get through these perilous times. He shall also continuously incline His ear to our ongoing prayers. We desire to see our Nation healed and unified and running into His arms. We rejoice that our Lord hears those desires and we shall see His Mighty Hand move mountains in this Nation like never before! Take heart, for our Lord is moving across this land and pouring out His mercy, love, peace, healing and comfort. All the while all Glory and Honor shall be given onto our Great King forever and ever, Amen! All Glory Onto Him, Sandy Billingham

Good Morning,

The topic (though not really named) is the times and diseases that we are enduring in these days of challenge where sickness and death abound. We really do not need to fear because we have a move of God which will bring strength to our hearts. Sandy wrote, "Take heart, for our Lord is moving across this land and pouring out His mercy, love, peace, healing and comfort.  All the while all Glory and Honor shall be given onto our Great King forever and ever, Amen!"

We can count on this!

All Glory Onto Him,Sandy Billingham

Today's Devotional  "You Will Strengthen Their Heart" 
Written bySandy Billingham

I am so thankful that our Heavenly Father's ears are attentive to our Heart's cry or should I say to our Nation's Heart's cry. He has not turned away from us but has turned towards His people in even greater intensity. Yes, these are fierce and horrendous times, but God has not left His throne in any sense of the way. As His people cry out with much humility and repentance, the Lord is ever present to help us during our times of trouble.  As we lean into Him and draw closer to Him, He draws closer to us. He is there to comfort us and grant us His peace and assurance that He will take care of us. 
His Word very clearly tells us...
 O Lord, 
You hear the desire of the afflicted;
you will strengthen their heart;
You will incline your ear.

Psalm 10:17 

That specific scripture is inundated with an abundance of hope and encouragement to each of us at this time. He hears our cries utmostly for those that are in dire need, He shall strengthen our hearts, and He shall incline His ear to our voices. 

We are a Nation in which we are in great desperation to see His hand move. We are also fully aware that our God is a God that never goes back on His promises. As we press in bringing our prayers and supplications and requests before Him with thanksgiving, He shall grant us His peace and take immense care of us. 
He shall give us every bit of strength we need to get through these perilous times. He shall also continuously incline His ear to our ongoing prayers. 

We desire to see our Nation healed and unified and running into His arms. We rejoice that our Lord hears those desires and we shall see His Mighty Hand move mountains in this Nation like never before! 
Take heart, for our Lord is moving across this land and pouring out His mercy, love, peace, healing and comfort.  All the while all Glory and Honor shall be given onto our Great King forever and ever, Amen!


Casting Crowns



Prayers are lifted up daily for you by the Devotional Writers 
and the Monthly Writing Staff of Women's Focus Ministries.

Blog Writers
 Sandy Billingham, Carol Steficek,   
 Brother Thomas Ukwute, Jody Ward,  Cathy Friberg, 
Jan Andersen and  Corinne Mustafa

Occasional Contributors
Kathy Bireley,  Terri Baker
Lynda Kinnard, Beverley Napier, 
 Amie Spruiell, Linda Garrett, and Lisabeth Lipp

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