Women's Focus Ministries

Women's Focus Ministries

We are a group of Christian women (and one man) who write daily devotionals and other articles of interest to women.
We publish daily. Praying that you will enjoy this ministry.

Thank you and God bless,
Corinne Mustafa.......and the Writing Staff of "WFM"

One of our writers is writing a novel, called AFTER THE EVENT, that is published Saturdays separately from the daily posts. There is a link on the left side that will take you to the blog of the novel which is being posted in installments.

Thursday Writing...2/27/20

Good Morning,

The writing today declares the goodness, fairness an trustworthiness of God's perfect law. We can always rely on it when we follow His decrees we will in a place of safety in our lives. Here is a quote from this writing, "With His word in your heart, you will emerge with wisdom and good testimonies that will help you to excel at every level."

We should build a respect for God's law in the way we live.

God bless you,
Brother Thomas Ukwute 
      and Jody Ward

Today's Devotional
"God's Perfect Law"
Written by
Brother Thomas Ukwute 
      and Jody Ward

God’s laws are perfect, restoring and refreshing our soul. His instructions are flawless, reviving our being and giving strength to our heart.  His rules are complete and absolute, protecting us. His revelation to us is whole and complete, pulling our lives together. His commands are pure, transforming our very core and converting our lives from the inside out.

The Lord’s statutes are reliable, His laws are faithful and His decrees are trustworthy. His declarations are steadfast and upright. His laws give knowledge and wisdom to the naive and His commands fill the humble and simple minded with perception and understanding.

God’s precepts are right and bring joy to our heart. His regulations are true and His laws are just. His commands shine like the sun and give insight and light to our lives. If we follow them, and obey them, we will be glad beyond measure and our eyes will be filled with the sparkle of happiness. For the instructions of God are like maps for life, showing the way to joy.

Reverence for the Lord is something pure, lasting forever. True awe for Him is absolutely clean and will stand through the ages of time. The honor and devotion we give to God is the right thing to do and will go on through eternity. It is a sacred, holy thing for us to worship the Lord, and His worship will never end.

You see, God’s laws are pure, eternal and just. His rules are accurate and true down to the smallest detail. His laws are fair, His decisions are correct and His judgments are just. Together, they are complete and without flaw, reflecting the perfect nature of God.

These laws are more desirable than bags of gold. Honoring God is more sought-after than huge piles of riches. These things are more precious than diamonds and worth more than the most valuable thing on earth.

Respecting God and regarding His laws is what brings the sweetness to our lives. It saturates us until we are full and it is running off us. Reverence for God and His laws brings genuine pleasure and deep satisfaction to our lives.

By your teachings Lord, I am warned away from danger and I am reminded and instructed how to avoid harm. By obeying Your laws, I am rewarded and given great success. 

Psalm 19.7-11

The word of God is the key to spiritual, physical and material breakthrough. Rely on its truth & depend on its promises. Believe and apply it's teachings. God’s word provides guidance for our soul and reveals principles for making good decisions.

Stay in His word day and night. No matter how bad the situation may be cling to it. With Gods word in your heart and mind, you will always come out with great wisdom. With His word in your heart, you will emerge with good
testimonies that will help you to excel 
at every level.


Maranatha Singers


God's Law is all of these things!


Prayers are lifted up by the writers
of Women's Focus Ministries
for all our readers.
Thank you and God bless!

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