Women's Focus Ministries

Women's Focus Ministries

We are a group of Christian women (and one man) who write daily devotionals and other articles of interest to women.
We publish daily. Praying that you will enjoy this ministry.

Thank you and God bless,
Corinne Mustafa.......and the Writing Staff of "WFM"

One of our writers is writing a novel, called AFTER THE EVENT, that is published Saturdays separately from the daily posts. There is a link on the left side that will take you to the blog of the novel which is being posted in installments.

Carol Steficek...2/22/20..."Fear Not"

Good Morning,

The writing for Saturday discusses the fact that there is no need for fear. It is a tool of the enemy that he employs to steal our joy and well being. Carol wrote, "God is still in control, even when all else around seems chaotic and bleak.  There are many passages in scripture which talk about peace and strength and reassurance in the midst of turmoil -- personal, national, and earthly.  Look to the Lord -- fear not."

In the words of a song it says that fear is a liar...Believe it!

Wishing you a blessed weekend.
Carol Steficek

Today's Devotional
"Fear Not"
Written by Carol Steficek

"So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed,
for I am your God." 
Isaiah 41:10

This is certainly a time and season when a person could be fearful.  Some people have to have bags packed and the car loaded with possessions to flee a possible tornado, flood, fire or hurricane. 

Others listen with trepidation to the world news -- will there be a nuclear strike in Syria?  Will more wars break out?  What is the financial market doing with its ups and downs?  What about the latest health threat that started in China and will soon be global?  

God never promised us a life free from change and uncertainty.  He did, however, promise that He would walk through all of it with us. So believers in Jesus can rest assured that they are never walking alone.  
God is still in control, even when all else around seems chaotic and bleak.  There are many passages in scripture which talk about peace and strength and reassurance in the midst of turmoil -- personal, national, and earthly.  Look to the Lord -- fear not.


Zach Williams 



Quotes About
Walking With God

  • “Those who walk with God,
    always reach their destination.” 
    ― Henry Ford

  • “If I walk with the world,
     I can’t walk with God.”  
    Dwight L. Moody
  •                                    “God’s mighty power comes when                                         
  • God’s people learn to walk with God.”  
  • Jack Hyles

  • “I’m here, Let’s walk together.” 

  • “Walking with God doesn’t lead to God’s favor;
    God’s favor leads to walking with God.”
  • Tullian Tchividjian

  • “Don’t worry God has gone before you 
  • and prepared the way. Just keep walking.”

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  • Prayers are lifted up daily for you by the Devotional Writers and the Monthly Writing Staff of Women's Focus Ministries.

  • Blog Writers

    Sandy Billingham, Brother Thomas Ukwute, Jody Ward, 
    Amie Spruiell, Lynda Kinnard, Bre Miller
    Debbie Rodriguez, Carol Steficek, Cathy Friberg
    Jan Andersen and Corinne Mustafa

  • Karen Bennett
  • 2/16/20
  • R.I.P. 

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