Women's Focus Ministries

Women's Focus Ministries

We are a group of Christian women (and one man) who write daily devotionals and other articles of interest to women.
We publish daily. Praying that you will enjoy this ministry.

Thank you and God bless,
Corinne Mustafa.......and the Writing Staff of "WFM"

One of our writers is writing a novel, called AFTER THE EVENT, that is published Saturdays separately from the daily posts. There is a link on the left side that will take you to the blog of the novel which is being posted in installments.

Friday's Writing...12/20/19..."TRADITIONS / REASON / TRADITIONS" (Part 2)

Today's Devotional 
Written by
Corinne Mustafa

A Tradition is something that persons practice
as a way of life that always has been their customs
and way of doing things at any given time in their lives.

Reason is the wisdom
that a person accepts and uses to create behavior 

The season of Christmas is a perfect time, a time when the juxtaposition of the the words "tradition and reason" together in thought and behavior. have become a way of life. 

So we will start at the top consideration of all.

We all have Christmas traditions built on the very fact that Jesus was born with the eternal plan of the Father to bring Salvation to the righteous...something that no human could do on their own. Jesus was a sacrifice symbolic of the Old Testament that slaughtered a perfect lamb  in retribution for the sins they had committed. This is a huge work of God that happened tn the OT and happened in the time of Jesus. And from this we people have derived traditions that spoke of the blessings that awards man and keeps rewarding him as the eons of time are passing on and bringing us closer and closer to the time we will forever be lifted up into His presence. The traditions we enact are just to enhance our thankfulness and awareness of our blessings. 
During these holidays there are a plethora of lights that light up the night sky. They are not from the the star: they are different, They remind us that the Light of the World who stepped down from heaven. It is interesting to see the lights not only on the houses of believers but also on the houses of people that only see the lights as a pretty but neutral decorations. 
 There is  candy that people love to eat at Christmas time. It is a candy cane. We hang it on a tree. People say that if your turn a candy cane around it is a J for Jesus. Here us another thing that we do.On Christmas Eve children listen and hope to hear and see Santa Claus. When I was about five, I called down from my bedroom to see if Santa had come. My mom told me I had to be quiet because if Santa came and found out I was awake he would leave post haste. A few minutes I heard a hearty HO, HO, HO followed by the sound of jingling bells. Santa, however, is a more modern version of a man whose name was Nicholas who lived in the  century. People did not hang stockings, but they did leave their shoes outside their doors. These were gifts to the poor people of that day. I am not saying that Jesus was a kind of Santa figure of a sort. However, out most perfect gift is something He came to give us...Salvation. Better than any Santa or any other gifts 


Here is a picture which I found
which ties it all up perfectly.

True that!!!



Original Christmas Song


Lord, May we all be blown away by the deep meaning  and beautiful love of us that is Your story...Your plan since the creation of Adam and Eve and their fall. It was all in place in Your heart and mind through all the years of challenges and that brought Your children down to valleys and up to mountain tops where Your truths and learning moved us along on the path to where we would be ready to benefit from the loving sacrifice You made for us.

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