Women's Focus Ministries

Women's Focus Ministries

We are a group of Christian women (and one man) who write daily devotionals and other articles of interest to women.
We publish daily. Praying that you will enjoy this ministry.

Thank you and God bless,
Corinne Mustafa.......and the Writing Staff of "WFM"

One of our writers is writing a novel, called AFTER THE EVENT, that is published Saturdays separately from the daily posts. There is a link on the left side that will take you to the blog of the novel which is being posted in installments.

Friday Writing...3/22/19..."Walk To Gethsemane"

Good Morning,

Today the theme covers the need to forgive others as God has forgiven each of us. When Jesus began his final hours in Gethsemane and on to His crucifixion it an ultimate act of forgiveness by which He took on our sin upon Himself. Karen wrote,"How can we possibly expect forgiveness from our Father if we stubbornly refuse to extend it to others? Forgiving “those who trespass against us” clears our hearts and minds of sinful anger and thoughts that can sometimes even lead to sinful actions."

Forgive as you have been forgiven,
Blessings from

Today's Devotional 

"Walk To Gethsemane"
Written by
Karen Bennett 

Gethsemane, the garden of great agony for Christ, such agony that He sweat drops of blood, agony that led to total separation from His Father, and agony that resulted in His death. That agony He willingly suffered so that sinners believing in Him would possess the most glorious gift ever - salvation - eternal life in the heavenly realms with Christ our King.

Our sins have been completely blotted out by God, thrown into the Sea of Forgetfulness. As we walk To Gethsemane with Jesus this Lenten season, let’s stop to ponder our feelings. Are we harboring resentment? Is there some hurt or horrible sin against you that you just can’t let go of? Do you continue to dredge it up, mulling it over and over in your mind, becoming angry, hateful, and vengeful each time? Imagine if God did that?

We are told to forgive others if we want to be forgiven.

“For if you forgive men when they sin against you, 
your Heavenly Father will also forgive you. 
But if you do not forgive men their sins, 
your Father will not forgive your sins.” 

Matthew 6:14-15.

How can we possibly expect forgiveness from our Father if we stubbornly refuse to extend it to others? Forgiving “those who trespass against us” clears our hearts and minds of sinful anger and thoughts that can sometimes even lead to sinful actions.

When we forgive others, we are freed of destructive thoughts and feelings. If not, we place ourselves in the perilous position of judge and jury. It usually defies fair light! 

We know God does not want us to judge or we will be judged, and in the same manner we do the judging. This we need to definitely avoid.

Walking to Gethsemane with Jesus this Lent, remember to forgive, to do as Christ did, blot out those sins. The entire purpose of His death and resurrection was made abundantly clear.

“ that God was reconciling 
the world to Himself in Christ, 
not counting men’s sins against them. 
And He has committed to us the message 
of reconciliation.” 
2 Corinthians 1:19-20. 

Reconcile and free yourselves of the heavy load of grudges. Give that to Jesus too!

Dear Lord, 
May we endeavor to live in Your word and Your way. Soften our hearts through Your great Holy Spirit, creating that clean heart we so desire. Even though we know we will never be without sin in this life, help us to have hearts full of forgiveness and compassion, hearts that seek to do Your will and love others as we love ourselves. Be with us in this season of Your passion that we would learn to forgive as You do.
In Your holy name we pray. 



The good works that you do include forgiving
others as God has forgiven you.
Prayers are lifted up daily for you
 by the Devotional Writers and the Monthly Writing Staff
 of Women's Focus Ministries.

Blog Writers:
Jan Andersen, Sandy Billingham, Carol Steficek,   
 Brother Thomas Ukwute, Jody Ward,  Karen Bennett, 
Bre Miller, Cathy Friberg, and  Corinne Mustafa
Betty Espindola, 
 Lynda Kinnard
Amie Spruiell, and Debbie Rodriguez

Occasional Contributors:
Kathy Bireley, Terri Baker, Beverley Napier,
 Kelly Dobyns, Glenna Williamson,  
Amie Spruiell, and Lisabeth Lipp.

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