Women's Focus Ministries

Women's Focus Ministries

We are a group of Christian women (and one man) who write daily devotionals and other articles of interest to women.
We publish daily. Praying that you will enjoy this ministry.

Thank you and God bless,
Corinne Mustafa.......and the Writing Staff of "WFM"

One of our writers is writing a novel, called AFTER THE EVENT, that is published Saturdays separately from the daily posts. There is a link on the left side that will take you to the blog of the novel which is being posted in installments.

Friday Writing...3/15/19..."Live Your Faith!"

Good Morning,

Today the topic is living our faith by being a light to the world around you as you are guided by the Lord. The author is Karen Bennett. She wrote, "We are not to merely pay lip service to God and our faith in Him. We are to live it! We are not to be hypocrites! Because we believe, we are not better than others, and our actions should not be those of superiority. Jesus Himself was most humble and He served man while serving His Father first."

Jesus is our role model, and in our attempts to be a light we need to serve the Father first and foremost. 

Have a blessed weekend,
Karen Bennett

Today's Devotional 

"Live Your Faith!"
Written by
Karen Bennett

Remember the song, “This Little Light Of Mine”? I can remember singing it as a child, even in Girl Scouts. We sang it with great gusto and big smiles on our faces! I always thought it was cute, but it has impact.

*Do you let your light shine?
*Do you live your faith?

*Do you live it everywhere, 
or does your faith remain in church?

According to our Lord, we are to let our light shine to show our faith, enabling others to see Him. Let people see you helping others, being kind to others, and sharing your faith.

“In the same way, let your light shine before men,
that they may see your good deeds
and praise your Father in heaven.” 

Matthew 5:16.

We are not to merely pay lip service to God and our faith in Him. We are to live it! We are not to be hypocrites! Because we believe, we are not better than others, and our actions should not be those of superiority. Jesus Himself was most humble and He served man while serving His Father first. He didn’t turn away from those in need, but helped and healed countless people.

Many people at this point in history view Christianity as a religion of hate simply because we endeavor to keep God’s commands. As we know, it’s the farthest thing from hate in existence. Our God is LOVE! He loves all people! He died for all people, covered in the sins of the entire world, past, present, and future. He said we should love others as we love ourselves, to forgive, to turn the other cheek, and much more.

Living in God’s love and light for all to see isn’t to give an impression of being better people than unbelievers, and it certainly isn’t filled with hate, as some would like to believe. It’s to let people see the life of a repentant and forgiven sinner due to the love of God. If we hated sinners, we’d have to hate ourselves. We hate the sin, not the sinner. If we didn’t hate sins, we wouldn’t be sorry for committing them, and sorry we are! We want to be examples of Christ’s love, to show others they need only repent with a true heart to be forgiven too. Nothing will then be held against them and they will be white as snow! Heaven will be theirs.

When we reach heaven at the end of our earthly lives, we will be sinners no
more. Everyone abiding in heaven will be sinless, standing in front of the Father robed in the righteousness of Christ our Lord. Lent is a perfect time to share your faith. Of course, it’s not the only time we should share it, but given the lessons of Lent, it is a great time. Let’s demonstrate our faith with the true loving, caring, and sharing attitude of a committed Christian, so all may see and praise God!

Let us be mindful of sharing our faith always! At this time of year, Your death and resurrection for the world is the subject of sermons and lessons for weeks and is prevalent in our churches. Help us show Your love by our actions as well as our words in the hopes of people seeing You and praising You! May they turn to You in new and joyful faith, or renewed and strengthened faith, and live in the beauty of knowing Your love. In Your precious name we pray. 



It is possible for human beings to function as carriers of light. 
We can function as this when we bring the Lord with us as we go 
through our days. We are gifted by God with the power 
to choose how we respond to the invitations He gives
to to us as He guides us through our lives.


Prayers are lifted up daily for you by the Devotional Writers 
  and the Monthly Writing Staff of Women's Focus Ministries.

Blog Writers:
Jan Andersen, Sandy Billingham, Carol Steficek,   
 Brother Thomas Ukwute, Jody Ward,  Karen Bennett, 
Bre Miller, Cathy Friberg, and  Corinne Mustafa
Elizabeth McElderry, Betty Espindola, 
 Lynda Kinnard
Amie Spruiell, and Debbie Rodriguez

Occasional Contributors:
Kathy Bireley, Terri Baker, Beverley Napier,
 Kelly Dobyns, Glenna Williamson,  
Amie Spruiell, and Lisabeth Lipp,  

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