Women's Focus Ministries

Women's Focus Ministries

We are a group of Christian women (and one man) who write daily devotionals and other articles of interest to women.
We publish daily. Praying that you will enjoy this ministry.

Thank you and God bless,
Corinne Mustafa.......and the Writing Staff of "WFM"

One of our writers is writing a novel, called AFTER THE EVENT, that is published Saturdays separately from the daily posts. There is a link on the left side that will take you to the blog of the novel which is being posted in installments.

Monday Writing...10/15/18..."The Book of Proverbs"

Good morning,

Today's writing is about one of the biggest collections of wisdom written as proverbs. This book was written  by King Solomon who only asked God to give him wisdom and his request was granted. Here is  quote from this writing, "Some people start with Chapter 1 on the first day of the month and read one chapter every day. They go back and start over at the beginning of the next month. This month is the month I have gotten closer to the goal of reading  chapter in Proverbs every day for a month."

Why not start with Chapter 15 today and read to the end of the monty and then begin with Chapter 1 on 11/1. You will gain some new wisdom.


Today's Devotional

"The Book of Proverbs" 
Written by 
Corinne Mustafa

Think on this verse. The Lord hears the prayer of the righteous. 
Who could ask for anything more.

Solomon wrote the Book of Proverbs filled with his wise thoughts. The book has 31 chapters...one for each day of any month...(excepting February). Some people start with Chapter 1 on the first day of the month and read one chapter every day. They go back and start over at the beginning of the next month. This month us the month I have gotten closer to the goal. Please read the following verses from Pr. 31

10 If you can find a truly good wife, she is worth more than precious gems! 11 Her husband can trust her, and she will richly satisfy his needs. 12 She will not hinder him but help him all her life. 13 She finds wool and flax and busily spins it. 14 She buys imported foods brought by ship from distant ports. 15 She gets up before dawn to prepare breakfast for her household and plans the day’s work for her servant girls. 16 She goes out to inspect a field and buys it; with her own hands she plants a vineyard. 17 She is energetic, a hard worker, 18 and watches for bargains. She works far into the night!
19-20 She sews for the poor and generously helps those in need. 21 She has no fear of winter for her household, for she has made warm clothes for all of them. 22 She also upholsters with finest tapestry; her own clothing is beautifully made—a purple gown of pure linen. 23 Her husband is well known, for he sits in the council chamber with the other civic leaders. 24 She makes belted linen garments to sell to the merchants.
25 She is a woman of strength and dignity and has no fear of old age. 26 When she speaks, her words are wise, and kindness is the rule for everything she says.  27 She watches carefully all that goes on throughout her household and is never lazy. 28 Her children stand and bless her; so does her husband. He praises her with these words: 29 “There are many fine women in the world, but you are the best of them all!”
30 Charm can be deceptive and beauty doesn’t last, but a woman who fears and reverences God shall be greatly praised. 31 Praise her for the many fine things she does. These good deeds of hers shall bring her honor and recognition from people of importance.
Proverbs 31: 10-31 
In my opinion the most touching verses of Proverbs are in Chapter 31. However, many women despair at the example that is given them in this chapter, because it sets the bar much higher than most women think they can attain. Hope you read the verses above  and set yourself a personal expectation of what you think you can do.
"WISDOM"sung byTwyla Paris


Beautiful Song Lyrics
The thing that often stands out to me in Christian song lyrics
is the wonderful Christian concepts that are so beautifully presented,
I keep thinking about this, and so I decided to feature the lyrics of a song
that illustrate what I am talking about every Monday. This song is written 
as the words of Jesus as He remembers the things He witnessed while He was
on earth. The compassion and acceptance we know He had for the people
He met are found in these lyrics will bring a tear to your eye and heart.


Blessed are you as you weep on your knees
With perfume and tears washing over My feet
And blessed are you, beggar, hopeless and blind
Calling for mercy when I'm passing by

Blessed are you, shaking your head
At two tiny fish and some bread
And blessed are you as you tremble and wait
For the first stone thrown at your sinful disgrace

Tell Me your story, show Me your wounds
And I'll show you what Love sees when Love looks at you
Hand Me the pieces, broken and bruised
And I'll show you what Love sees when Love sees you

Blessed are you, walking on waves
To find yourself sinking when you look away
Blessed are you, leper, standing alone
The fear on their faces is all that you've known

Blessed are you, lonely widow who gave
Your last shiny coin to Yahweh
Blessed are you with your silver and lies
Kissing the One who's saving your life

Tell Me your story, show Me your wounds
And I'll show you what Love sees when Love looks at you
Hand Me the pieces, broken and bruised
And I'll show you what Love sees when Love sees you

I see what I made in your mother's womb
And I see the day I fell in love with you
I see your tomorrows, nothing left to chance
I see My Father's fingerprints

I see your story, I see My name
Written on every beautiful page
You see the struggle, you see the shame
I see the reason I came

I came for your story, I came for your wounds
To show you what Love sees when I see you

Yeah, yeah, when I see you
When I see you, oh, whoa, whoa


Prayers are lifted up daily for you by the Devotional Writers 
  and the Monthly Writing Staff of Women's Focus Ministries.

Blog Writers:
Jan Andersen, Sandy Billingham, Carol Steficek,   
 Brother Thomas Ukwute, Jody Ward,  Karen Bennett, 
Bre Miller, Cathy Friberg, and  Corinne Mustafa

Occasional Contributors:
Kathy Bireley,  Lynda Kinnard, Mary M. Wilkins,
Terri Baker, Beverley Napier, Kelly Dobyns
Glenna Williamson,  Shelly Keith, Amie Spruiell,
Lisabeth Lipp,  and Nandita Bhatnagar

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