Women's Focus Ministries

Women's Focus Ministries

We are a group of Christian women (and one man) who write daily devotionals and other articles of interest to women.
We publish daily. Praying that you will enjoy this ministry.

Thank you and God bless,
Corinne Mustafa.......and the Writing Staff of "WFM"

One of our writers is writing a novel, called AFTER THE EVENT, that is published Saturdays separately from the daily posts. There is a link on the left side that will take you to the blog of the novel which is being posted in installments.

Tuesday Writing...7/3/18..."Did You Love?"

Good Morning,

The theme for this writing is the question "Did You Love?" (enough and zealously) as the Lord calls you to love? Sandy wrote, "I am willing for God to do in my heart and mind whatever He needs to do to change me. When I see Him face to face, and He asks me the question, "Did you love?" I want to be able to say to Him with great confidence, a resounding YES!!"

Working on loving the way God wants  us to love others.
In His Fervent Love,
Sandy.........& Corinne
Today's Devotional 
"Did You Love?"
by Sandy Billingham
As I  visited with a friend the other day, I was faced with an ever convicting (my face, Jesus was surely speaking to me) question.  We talked about a multitude of things during our visit.  There was sharing about families, work, recent activities and onto different ministries we are involved in.  But there was one thing Kelly shared that really stood out in my mind. That question has driven me to a place of greater accountability with the Lord.
She related how a person was faced with the question from the Lord during their journey living on this earth, "Did you love?" She went as far as even saying, "Are you willing to forfeit your right to be right and love that person regardless?"
That really hit home to me. I knew at that given moment the answer to that question for me was not always yes. I knew when faced with people in difficult situations, I did not love them the way God had called me to love them. I knew right then and there God was going to have to do some heart surgery on me.
                                                                                              God's Word clearly tells us... 
 "And above all things
 have fervent love for one another,
for love will cover a multitude of sins."

1 Peter 4:8

We are called to love all people with a deep, sincere, tender love. It makes no difference what that person has done or said. We are still called to love one another fervently. We can only do that in the strength of our Heavenly Father. We can only do that if our gaze is upon Jesus. We can only do that if we choose to forgive and not keep bringing up what was done in the past.
I am willing for God to do in my heart and mind whatever He needs to do to change me. When I see Him face to face, and He asks me the question, "Did you love?" I want to be able to say to Him with great confidence, a resounding YES!!
Next time you experience extremely trying situations with people, I pray the Holy Spirit will gently whisper into your heart those three vital words.... "Did you Love?"
Those three words have forever changed my life, and I am ever so glad they did!!!
"The Love of God"
sung by
Mercy Me


The words given by the "professor" below are synonyms
for the word, fervent. They can lead to a heightened understanding
of a word. This author is attempting to figure out if the fervence 
of her love is sufficient. You can substitute any of the blue words below.
Based on on your knowledge and understanding of these synonyms
you can decide the answer to this question , "did you love?"

when you are in a session trying to get God's thoughts.

Prayers are lifted up daily for 

you by the Devotional Writers 
and the occasional writers
of Women's Focus Ministry

Blog Writers
Jan Andersen, Sandy Billingham, Carol Steficek,   
 Brother Thomas Ukwute, Jody Ward,  Karen Bennett, 
Collette Phillips, Cathy Friberg, and  Corinne Mustafa

Occasional Contributors
Kathy Bireley,  Lynda Kinnard, Mary M. Wilkins,
Terri Baker, Beverley Napier, Kelly Dobyns
Glenna Williamson,  Shelly Keith, Amie Spruiell,
Lisabeth Lipp,  and Nandita Bhatnagar

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Sandy! I have been thinking and praying about this as well. Not just the ways that people are hurting others, but my judgement of them. What does that say about my faith, if I cannot live unconditionally, as I am called to do? And your quote was right on target, "Are you willing to forfeit your right to be right and love that person regardless?" Thank you for sharing your thoughts in such a beautiful way.
