Women's Focus Ministries

Women's Focus Ministries

We are a group of Christian women (and one man) who write daily devotionals and other articles of interest to women.
We publish daily. Praying that you will enjoy this ministry.

Thank you and God bless,
Corinne Mustafa.......and the Writing Staff of "WFM"

One of our writers is writing a novel, called AFTER THE EVENT, that is published Saturdays separately from the daily posts. There is a link on the left side that will take you to the blog of the novel which is being posted in installments.

Saturday Writing....10/15/16

Gratitude To My God

I’ve had a bit of an unpleasant week.  A mixture of sad, not feeling well, of physical pain, and some good also, so nothing is really speaking to me about my week that I need to write about. Therefore I have decided I want to write about gratitude because we can never be reminded enough of how much we have been given by God for which we need to be grateful .  All the things He has done for and provided for us.  Even when we are going through a tough season or even having an iffy week, there is always a list of gratitude behinds the scenes.  I allow myself so easily to misplace that list with the funk of life. 

In every situation [no matter what the circumstances] 
be thankful and continually give thanks to God
for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:18
Currently, this scripture makes me think of my kitten that I adopted from the shelter a few months ago.  She has been exactly what I needed….brought me some companionship, so many laughs and smiles.  She is really a treasure…until she decides occasionally to relieve herself on a blanket or pillow.  After one of these episodes I instantly get frustrated and ready to take her back to the shelter.  When I pause for the moment and come back to reality, I remember how grateful I am to have her in my life.  The things that have gotten ruined are just things.  In the short time that I have had her in my life there have been so many more moments of happiness that I am able to keep in my heart and bring me smiles for the rest of my life, reminding myself how unnecessary and unhealthy it is for me to get myself into such a silly frazzle over such a miner issue.  Thank you God for Rosie and putting her in my path.
 Then place it in the Presence of God, your God.
Prostrate yourselves in the Presence of
 God, your God.
And rejoice! Celebrate all the good things that
your God, has given you and your family
Deuteronomy 26:11(MSG)

LOVE this scripture!!  So much truth in it!  Celebrate, yes, I must celebrate ALL the good things the Lord has given me.  I was in a miserable place regarding my job for a very long time, causing so much depression and other ill feelings about myself.  God was so incredibly good to put the “perfect” position right in my path at exactly the right moment.  Yes, there are days when I get overwhelmed or frustrated about something regarding work, but, wow, it really is such a great job working for an incredible person and with very nice crew of people.  I truly do rejoice when I think about how God led me out of the troubled place and into this little bit of heaven on earth.  I mean as far as jobs go, it is like this one was customized just for me.

  Give thanks to God—he is good
    and his love never quits.
Say, “Save us, Savior God,
    round us up and get us out of these godless places,
So we can give thanks to your holy Name,
    and bask in your life of praise.”
Blessed be God, the God of Israel,
    from everlasting to everlasting.
Then everybody said, “Yes! Amen!” and “Praise God!”
1 Chronicles 16:34-36(MSG)

Yes, my Lord, yes!!  Thank you so very much for every thing you have provided for me.  There are so, so many….from wee tiny to huge.  I am so eternally grateful.  Many times I fail to remember your expertise of doing for me exactly what I need. Those would be the times that I think I know better than you do; the times that I get so very angry because I am not getting what I KNOW is best for me, and of course I want it right now.  Forgive me for those times, Father, and thank you for reminding me, as well as continually providing for me even through those times of “ME, ME, ME”.  Those times of the ugliness coming out because I think I deserve something more.

The truth of the matter is….God’s love is forever and that is what I need to remember and put first in all instances.  My life is bountiful filled with peacefulness when I keep it filled with Christ’s love.  His pure faithful love overflowing in my heart to share with others.  I do feel a difference in myself when I keep Christ in the proper perspective.  I feel an abundance of love that I share with all others. Perhaps it is as simple as a smile or a wave, but, it is Christ’s love. That is what all others deserve that I come across in my daily walk.  They deserve a piece of peace from me, not a piece of just ME.

Thank you Father for giving me your love eternally!  Amen.

Written by
Kelly Dobyns



Prayers are lifted up daily for 
you by the Devotional Writers 
and the Monthly Writing Staff
of Women's Focus Ministries.


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