Women's Focus Ministries

Women's Focus Ministries

We are a group of Christian women (and one man) who write daily devotionals and other articles of interest to women.
We publish daily. Praying that you will enjoy this ministry.

Thank you and God bless,
Corinne Mustafa.......and the Writing Staff of "WFM"

One of our writers is writing a novel, called AFTER THE EVENT, that is published Saturdays separately from the daily posts. There is a link on the left side that will take you to the blog of the novel which is being posted in installments.

Saturday Writing...5/30/20..."FREEDOM"

Good Morning,

The devotional today is looking into the freedom that Jesus has given us. It is said that when Christ has set his people free we are free indeed. That means that e has provided all we need and it is forever. We need to do nothing to earn it or pay Him back. It is a free gift. Carol wrote, "Jesus is everything.  It is in working for the Lord in His Kingdom on earth -- spreading the gospel by words of hope and deeds of love -- that we find true freedom.  Christ has set us free, and we are free indeed."

Time for some serious thought about the Jesus and His goodness to us.

Have a blessed weekend
Carol Steficek

Today's Devotional"FREEDOM" 
Written by 
Carol Steficek

"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. 
Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves
 be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."
Galatians 5:1

No one likes to be bound to another person.  Slave trafficking is a terrible result of sin in our society and world.  No one like to owe so many debts that he becomes a slave to his work to try to pay everything off as the interest continues to mount.  

The same goes for Christians.  Why should we try to pay off our debts to God for our sins when we have already been set free by Christ? Christians do good works as a response of thanksgiving to God for something that has already been done for us by Jesus.  

Christians have the ability to work in freedom as heirs with Christ, not as slaves to debts which we have no ability to pay in and of ourselves.  Jesus is everything.  It is in working for the Lord in His Kingdom on earth -- spreading the gospel by words of hope and deeds of love -- that we find true freedom.  Christ has set us free and we are free indeed.


Hillsong Worship



Prayers are lifted up daily for you by the Devotional Writers 
and the Monthly Writing Staff of Women's Focus Ministries.

Blog Writers
 Sandy Billingham, Carol Steficek,   
Jody Ward,  Cathy Friberg, 
Jan Andersen and  Corinne Mustafa

Occasional Contributors
Kathy Bireley,  Terri Baker
Lynda Kinnard, Beverley Napier, 
 Amie Spruiell, Linda Garrett, and Lisabeth Lipp

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