Women's Focus Ministries

Women's Focus Ministries

We are a group of Christian women (and one man) who write daily devotionals and other articles of interest to women.
We publish daily. Praying that you will enjoy this ministry.

Thank you and God bless,
Corinne Mustafa.......and the Writing Staff of "WFM"

One of our writers is writing a novel, called AFTER THE EVENT, that is published Saturdays separately from the daily posts. There is a link on the left side that will take you to the blog of the novel which is being posted in installments.

Sunday Writing... 12-08-19... "GIFT-GIVER"

Good morning!

As we prepare for Christmas celebrations this month, we may think about a particular person in our lives who is a great "GIFT-GIVER."  It is the person who knows us well, knows exactly what we want and need, and gives the greatest gifts ever that we will never forget.  As a child we may have thought it was Santa Claus!  Read below to learn about the history of Santa Claus and where we find the greatest gift-giver in our lives.


Today's Devotional: 


Jan Andersen

In this season of preparation for celebrating the birth of Jesus the Christ child in a manger at Bethlehem, we see a worldly focus on a jolly old fellow in a red and white suit who miraculously travels in a sleigh pulled by 8 flying reindeer.  He flies to everyone’s house on Christmas Eve and delivers gifts through the chimney to all the good boys and girls, and some of the gifts are left in stockings hung on a fireplace mantel.  How did the Christmas story morph into this jolly gift-giver?

Most people have no idea how the story of Santa Claus developed or that it actually had its start from the life of a real person.  There was a boy named Nicholas in the fourth century who lived in what is now Turkey.  He was raised to be a devout Christian, but his parents died in an epidemic when Nicholas was still young.  He took Jesus’ words to "sell all you own and give the money to the poor” to heart and gave his entire inheritance to the poor, ill and suffering.  He became a minister and was made Bishop of Myra.  He was known for his generosity to the needy as well as his love for children and concern for sailors.  He died on December 6th, and to this day there are celebrations throughout the world on this date, called St. Nicholas Day.  He was made a saint by the church after his death when several miracles were attributed to him, according to legends about him such as restoring life to some children who were murdered, calming the storm for some sailors out at sea, saving people from starving, sparing innocent lives, etc. 

But the legend that seems to have spawned some of the Santa story is about a man who had 3 daughters but no money for their dowries, which meant they might not be able to get married and have to be sold into slavery.  Generous and kind gift-giver Nicholas secretly tossed a bag of gold through their open window on 3 different occasions to help provide their dowries.  Some of the gold reportedly landed either in their stockings or shoes that were by the fireplace, drying overnight. Getting the similarities?  Children in many countries actually celebrate St. Nicholas Day by leaving out their shoes December 5th (sometimes with carrots and hay in them for St. Nic’s white horse) to be filled with small gifts.  There have been various evolutions of the gift-giver figure in different countries over time including Father Christmas, Père Nöel, Christkind, Kris Kringle, Sinterklaas, and now Santa Claus.  A Bishop would wear a red miter (a headpiece that tapers to a point), and a red cope (a long cape-coat) over a white alb (robe), so that is where the red and white clothing worn by Santa Claus likely comes from.  In 1823 the poem “A Visit From St. Nicholas” or “Twas the Night Before Christmas” was published, and that is where we get St. Nicholas with the 8 named flying reindeer pulling a sleigh, allowing him to drop down the chimney with gifts and to fill the stockings as the gift-giver. 

Quite a journey from a saint to Santa.  But let’s remember what St. Nicholas was all about - generosity and kindness for the poor, the sick and the suffering, all based on Jesus’ words in Matthew 19 when a rich young man came to him and asked what he needed to do to have eternal life.  Jesus answered to keep the commandments, but when pressed further he said, “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.”  The young rich man knew he could never do that.  In the same way, we need to know that we also could never be perfect.  There is always something we would not be able to do 100% - lots of somethings in fact!  That is why Jesus came to earth as a babe in Bethlehem, so that he could then pay our way into heaven, the greatest gift-giver of all! 

2 Corinthians 8:9  For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich.

Dear Father in heaven, thank you for sending the Christ-child in order to give us the most precious gift of all, eternal life with You in heaven!  Help us to keep our focus on this most important gift this Christmas season and to share your love and joy with others.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.  

Elena Chavez

The babe was born in manger cold
Loved by a mother in firmest hold
Though gifts were laid before him, he was the gift
The star shone round in stillest night
Shepherd on knee, angel on high
Though gifts were laid before him
He was the gift, he's God's own gift

Emmanuel! Born into the world for hope! God with us!
He dwelt among us we beheld his glory! We beheld his glory!
The Agnus Dei! Born into the world for grace! Lamb of God!
He dwelt among us we beheld his glory! We beheld his Glory!

Come, see the dawn of saving grace
Come, look upon his holy face
This day is born a saviour our Christ and King
Tidings of joy and peace to man
Tidings of love from heaven's hand
This day is born a saviour our Christ and King his praises ring

Emmanuel! Born into the world for hope! God with us!
He dwelt among us we beheld his glory! We beheld his glory!
The Agnus Dei! Born into the world for grace! Lamb of God!
He dwelt among us we beheld his glory! We beheld his Glory!

His hands once spread out the heavens, his feet then walked the sod of the earth
Man and God and helpless babe! He is now with us forever
Come into his favour, our hearts are now his resting place

Emmanuel! Born into the world for hope! God with us!
He dwelt among us we beheld his glory! We beheld his glory!
The Agnus Dei! Born into the world for grace! Lamb of God!
He dwelt among us we beheld his glory! We beheld his Glory!



Prayers are lifted up daily for you by the Devotional Writers and the Monthly Writing Staff of Women's Focus Ministries

Blog writers:
Sandy Billingham, Karen Bennett,
Brother Thomas Ukwute, Jody Ward,
Bre Miller, Lynda Kinnard, Amie Spruiell,
Debbie Rodriguez, Carol Steficek,
Jan Andersen and Corinne Mustafa

1 comment:

  1. Your writings are always so timely. Nicolas was a real person who shared his abundance with people who were needy. This is what people should do. You do find a lot of Christmas giving to others less fortunate during the months of Thanksgiving and Christmas. I pray that your writing touches our readers to do something for others this season. Thank you Jan. God bless.
    Corinne Mustafa
