Good morning,
The concepts in this program are not new. To the contrary, they are are age old precepts straight from the Word of God. Yet, somehow tradition and religion have perverted God's truths and we have many times emerged with a negative, powerless vision of ourselves. God has given the author of “Game Changers” revelation on how to articulate, from Scripture, the Lord's true image of His born again children. As we begin to see ourselves as The King sees us, we will have the confidence to advance “A Kingdom Culture” in the earth.
~~“You cannot become a new person by changing your behavior. You discover the person you already are in Christ and behave accordingly. God is only dealing with the new man. He is not dealing with the old. The old man is dead. For instance, God is not dealing with your anger. Instead, He is teaching you patience. If you deal with the patience, the anger will disappear.
Cathy Friberg is one of our Monthly Writer's. She submits a writing at the beginning of each month. This month her writing is titled, "A New Perspective." Her writing is about a Bible Study that she participated in recently. There are some interesting concepts that Cathy described from the study. Cathy wrote, "He (God) is looking for a people on earth who are a visual aid of what the Kingdom of heaven is like.That they can say, (to a lost and dying world) “This is who God is and this is who He has been to me, and that is why I can share this truth and this impact with you.”
We would do well to read the study that Cathy listed at the end of her writing.
God bless
Cathy and Corinne
Today's Devotional
"A New Perspective"
"A New Perspective"
This month I would like to share some highlights from a study I am doing with my Women's Aglow group. The course is called “Game Changers.” It derives its name from the idea that as we change “our game,” or more specifically, “our identity,” then we can become “world changers” for our Lord and Savior. This is the third Christian study I have heard of lately concerning our identity in Christ. The Holy Spirit is evidently up to something, desiring to transform our perception of ourselves!
A few of the notions contained in this study are as follows:
~~“The Father has a dream. His dream is on earth as it is in heaven. He has a dream of a Church that is powerful, beautiful, and dreadful to the enemy … a people who are just like Him … unchangeable, unshakable, and unstoppable. He is looking for a people on earth who are a visual aid of what the Kingdom of heaven is like.That they can say, (to a lost and dying world) “This is who God is and this is who He has been to me, and that is why I can share this truth and this impact with you.”
~~ “When you see your identity, you can see the resources that come with it. At some point, your prayer life has to change. You have to stop praying like a widow and start praying like a bride.”

~~“We fight negativity by stepping into our new identity and by practicing what God says about us. We destroy negativity in our perception, in our mindset, and in our language. Our new identity in Christ gives us elevated status, legal authority, and permission to overcome.”
~~ “All of heaven is cheering for you right now! There is a cloud of witnesses looking on and people are cheering for you right now!”
Heavenly Father, thank you for the work of your Son on the cross. Thank you that “anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” 2 Corinthians 5:17 Let us bask in your presence, embracing our heavenly identities, and let us lavish your love, grace, and salvation upon the lost. In Jesus name, Amen.
Shared and Written
by Cathy Friberg
Thoughts and Quotes from 21st Century Game Changers by Graham Cooke
by Cathy Friberg
Thoughts and Quotes from 21st Century Game Changers by Graham Cooke
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